Durham Music Service Media Consent  2024-25

Conditions of Use Durham County Council takes photographs and video to promote its services and activities. We have a legitimate interest to do so to promote services and events available in County Durham to those that live here, visit or are generally interested in the area. If we are filming at an event or other activity, our staff will be clearly identified and will try to respect your wishes should you not wish to be photographed. We do, however, need written consent from a parent or legal guardian to use identifiable images of children and young people aged 18 years or under, or adults who do not have the capacity to decide on their own.

Conditions of use

1. Images and footage may be published on any of the following channels:

  • press and media (including newspapers, magazines, websites and social media)
  • on our websites • on our social media feeds including Twitter, facebook, youtube, Instagram and LinkedIn
  • in our printed publications such as Durham County News
  • in printed publicity literature such as leaflets, posters or other display materials.

2. We use images to promote services through social media platforms, our website, posters and flyers.

3. The images/footage will often be accompanied by the details of the story you, your child / dependent is helping to promote. When known, e.g. at an organised press event, this could be the full name, age, the area, school or club / organisation the event / activity is taking place in.

4. We will only use images/footage that is appropriate. 

  • We will not publish images / footage which could imply criticism or damage a person’s reputation.
  • We will only publish images/footage of children who are suitably dressed.

5. We will not film or take photographs of any child that is considered at risk or under a supervision order.

6. We will use your image/footage to promote the service/s or events at which they were taken and for wider related service / event promotion. For example footage taken at Durham Vocal Festival may also be used to promote our broader festival programme or a photograph taken of children who are registered in our ensembles.

7. We will occasionally share images with our partners for them to use when they are involved in an event. Those partners will be identified on promotional material.

8. We have completed a legitimate interest assessment that has informed the above conditions of use and our photographic policy and procedures.

9. The images will be held by Durham Music Service for no longer than three years.

Details of our full photography privacy notice are included on our website at www.durhammusic.org.uk If you have any questions or concerns, or wish to withdraw consent to use your image, please call Durham Music Service 03000 262368 or email [email protected]