Carolyn Norris Carolyn first worked for Durham Music Service in 1989, initially on a two week cover contract. Having said that she never wanted to teach she discovered she loved it and has worked for DMS permanently since 1990. Carolyn started her career as an unqualified teacher, was supported by DMS to gain a teaching qualification and was then appointed as Area Manager and, since 2007, Deputy Head. She has worked in the West, East and South of County Durham teaching brass, which has given her an insight into the range of different areas and schools Durham Music Service covers. She was also seconded to work as a classroom based teacher in secondary schools on two occasions. A feature of Carolyn’s work has been in organising our Showcase events at Sage Gateshead along with other performance opportunities. Carolyn teaches the full range of brass instruments but is particularly proud of the mini trombone programme she runs as a First Access project and which has had a real impact on take up and participation. In her role as Deputy Head Carolyn deals specifically with the Mid Durham area and also has responsibility for looking after issues such as staff welfare. Carolyn was brought up in Wigan and gained her musical start as a trombone player through the local Music Service. Membership of Wigan Youth Jazz Orchestra was the main inspiration in pursuing a career in music. Carolyn particularly enjoys playing in orchestras and big bands and is married to a fellow trombone player. Manage Cookie Preferences